( After the Earthquake of 2010)

This horrific catastrophe on top of New Orleans was aligning for many of our life purposes. One never knows what may happen in life, so it behooves us to live like it is our last moment on the planet…always now… This has touched our most tender of locations…where we store our values and goals…

  1. Haiti must be cleaned up and built up brick by brick. Those bricks include cement bricks, gold bricks, first aid ‘bricks’, food ‘bricks’, etcetera…

2. Haitians must pull on all their spiritual reserves & feel the guidance of the ancestors & know the best path to take through this catastrophe towards a peaceful empowered presence…

3. Haitians will touch their humanity more intimately & intensely…find the joy in everyday interactions with people inspite of their life challenges.

This is after all how we as humans continue to go on.


Paintings on wood and silk...


Paintings on Shawls...